PickHoops uses this data for the purpose of identifying you to your group administrator and to uniquely identify you in the system. We also use cookies to keep you logged in.
Administrators of any groups you join can access your name, email address, and any other information you provide to this site. PickHoops does not restrict what your group owner can do with this information.
PickHoops will never divulge your personal information to other 3rd parties except where required by law or to cooperate with law enforcement.
We use Paypal for payment collection, which keeps your payment information secure; we don't have access to financial information you give to Paypal at any time, only a confirmation of payment received.
If you'd like for us to close your account and delete your user data, please send us an email. Be sure to include "remove me" in the subject line.
PickHoops does not send unsolicited advertisements or "spam" to your email address. We only send email to confirm important actions on our site (like purchasing a group), to respond to emails you send us, changes to this policy, if you specifically request that we contact you, and in a few other rare circumstances.