PickHoops Frequently Asked Questions
1.1 What is PickHoops?
2.1 What are the scoring options?
2.2 Can you support my different scoring/tiebreaker system?
2.3 How do you handle the "First Four" Round play-in games?
2.4 Can I use your site to collect money for a fundraiser?
2.5 Can I put my logo on my group page or on my bracket?
2.6 Do you support women's tournament bracket groups?
2.7 Do you support "second chance" / 16-team bracket groups?
2.8 How do points tiebreakers work?
3.1 Can I enter multiple picks?
3.2 Can I enter picks for other people?
3.3 Can I see other people's picks?
3.4 When can I enter my picks?
3.5 Can I enter my picks after the games start?
3.6 Can I change picks after they've been entered?
3.7 Can I delete picks I don't want?
3.8 Can I enter a pick without creating a group?
3.9 Can multiple people share an email address and all make picks?
4.1 Can I delete a group I don't want?
4.2 Is my group private?
4.3 Do you have my group information from last year?
4.4 How do I change my scoring system?
4.5 How do I change my short group name / URL?
4.5 How do I stop any more people from joining my group?
5.1 Can I upgrade my group later?
5.2 Can I downgrade my group later?
5.3 What happens when my group reaches its bracket limit?
5.4 Can I renew my group from last year?
5.5 Can I put a message on my group page?
6.1 How private is my data?
6.2 Can I delete personal data?
1.1 What is PickHoops?
PickHoops hosts National College Basketball bracket contests online.
Create a group, and you and your friends enter your picks. As
tournament results come in, we update stats and standings automatically.
PickHoops was created in 1996 and has hosted well over 1,000,000 brackets.
More about PickHoops
2.1 What are the scoring options?
The numerous PickHoops scoring options are described
on the
scoring and tiebreakers page.
2.2 Can you support my different scoring/tiebreaker system?
If you have a scoring system or tiebreaker we don't support automatically,
let us know. We may be able to add it.
2.3 How do you handle the play-in games?
The "First Four" (previously "play-in") games are played
on the Tuesday and Wednesday the rest of the games start on Thursday.
We don't currently use these games for scoring or tiebreakers, so the
bracket entry deadline is still Thursday before the Round 1 games
start. You can pick the play-in winners to advance in your
bracket, before or after those games are played, so long as your picks
are in by Thursday's deadline.
2.4 Can I use your site to collect money for a fundraiser?
Sure! We don't directly collect your money for you, but we have a number of tools to make your life easier.
At the top of your PickHoops group (using the
Message of the Day feature), you can include a button to your Paypal or Venmo account (or other systems) to collect money for your fundraiser. Then you can use the Memo field in your Member admin page to keep records per person, and/or the Approved field in your Bracket admin page to keep track of which brackets are paid.
2.5 Can I put my logo on my group page or on my bracket?
Yes! With the branding option, you can replace the PickHoops logo with your own logo
on the top of your group page. You can also change the site colors to match.
You can also choose to place your logo on the bracket itself in one or more locations.
2.6 Do you support women's tournament bracket groups?
Yes, we support 64-team women's tournament brackets. If you want people to fill out both men's and women's brackets, they will need to be separate groups (but you can invite the same people to both).
2.7 Do you support "second chance" / 16 team bracket groups?
Yes, we support 16-team men's tournament bracket groups. The brackets become available for picking after the first two rounds of the tournament are complete.
If you want people to be able to fill out both 64-team and 16-team brackets, they will need to be separate groups (but you can invite the same people to both).
2.8 How do points tiebreakers work?
Optional tiebreakers that can be applied to your group include the total number
of points in the final game and/or the point spread.
scoring and tiebreakers page has a complete
breakdown of how these tiebreakers operate.
3.1 Can I enter multiple picks?
The group owner can decide how many picks each player is allowed to enter. The group owner is not subject to this restriction.
3.2 Can I enter picks for other people?
The owner of a group can enter picks on behalf of other people,
regardless of whether they have registered online. This is especially
useful for picks written by hand that are given to the group owner.
3.3 Can I see everyone else's picks?
Shortly after the entry deadline, everyone's picks
will be visible to everyone else. Until then, only the group admin can see other people's brackets.
3.4 When can I enter my picks?
Members can enter their picks the morning after tournament seeds are announced.
The deadline for entering picks by group members for the 64-team men's tournament games is tip-off of the Round 1 games (typically Thursday at around 12:15pm Eastern), and tip-off of the Round 3 games for a 16-team tournament. Check your group's Rules page for the exact deadline.
3.5 Can I enter my picks after the games start?
Group owners can submit late picks with no deadline. A log of all
entries with timestamps is made available to all group members.
3.6 Can I change picks after they've been entered?
Yes, up until the tournament games start.
Group owners can make pick edits at any time to correct errors, with
a log of edits made public to all members of that group.
3.7 Can I delete picks I don't want?
Picks can be changed without previously deleting the old picks. If you
really do need to delete picks, group owners can delete them. Contact
your group owner to erase unwanted picks.
3.8 Can I enter a pick without creating a group?
You'll need to find a group to join, or get some friends together and
make your own pool.
3.9 Can multiple people share an email address and all make picks?
The best approach is to create a single account for your email address, and ask your group owner
to allow multiple picks for that one account. Each bracket entry can have a different name for each
4.1 Can I delete a group I don't want?
Let us know and we'll delete it for you.
We'll need to know group short name to delete and the email address you used to sign up.
4.2 Is my group private?
It's as private as you want it to be. Groups can have a password; send the
password only to those you want to be able to join.
4.3 Do you have my group information from last year?
Previous years' groups are archived here:
2005: http://2005.pickhoops.com/
2006: http://2006.pickhoops.com/
2007: http://2007.pickhoops.com/
2008: http://2008.pickhoops.com/
2009: http://2009.pickhoops.com/
2010: http://2010.pickhoops.com/
2011: http://2011.pickhoops.com/
2012: http://2012.pickhoops.com/
2013: http://2013.pickhoops.com/
2014: http://2014.pickhoops.com/
2015: http://2015.pickhoops.com/
2016: http://2016.pickhoops.com/
2017: http://2017.pickhoops.com/
2018: http://2018.pickhoops.com/
2019: http://2019.pickhoops.com/
2021: http://2021.pickhoops.com/
2022: http://2022.pickhoops.com/
2023: http://2023.pickhoops.com/
2024: http://2024.pickhoops.com/
You can also check the "History" section of your group for past winners, and the "Mailing list" section (under Admin) for
last year's participants and email addresses.
4.4 How do I change my scoring system?
In the Admin section of your group, click "Group settings & scoring".
4.5 How do I change my group short name / URL?
We can change your group's short name, which is part of your group's web address / URL, for you. You can
contact us to request this.
4.6 How do I stop any more people from joining my group?
You can add (or change) the group password to your group. Existing members won't be affected, but no new people will be able to join your group without that password.
5.1 Can I upgrade my group later?
You can upgrade your group to handle more brackets at any time for the difference in price plus a $1.00 transaction fee.
5.2 Can I downgrade my group later?
In general, no. We have to make server allowances and purchasing decisions
based on how many brackets you expect to receive for your group, even if
you don't actually reach that number later.
5.3 What happens when my group reaches its bracket limit?
Your group members can initially enter brackets above and beyond your limit.
We'll notify you that your group is over the limit, and you can elect
to delete some brackets down to your limit or upgrade your group. This
system prevents your members from being locked out if there is a problem with
the upgrade process.
Suspect you'll need more than the maximum brackets in the largest group we advertise? Let us know, we may be able to offer you a larger group.
5.4 Can I renew my group from last year?
You sure can! Click
Create group. If you are using the same account as last year, you will be prompted for which group to renew. You'll have a chance to review all your settings before checkout.
5.5 Can I put a message on my group page?
To put a welcome message on the top of your group page, go to
Admin and then
Message of the Day. You'll be able to put important messages,
instructions, fundraiser / donation payment buttons or links, and any other essential information you want your group members to know.
6.1 How private is my data?
PickHoops has an exceptionally strong privacy policy —
learn more about PickHoops' privacy policy.
6.2 Can I delete personal data?
Current and past tournament picks and results are kept for archival purposes. You can obfuscate your name associated with your account by editing your profile. If you have
a need to remove other personal data or to ensure sensitive data has been removed
let us know and we'll help.
We'll need to know the email address you used to sign up.
Still have a question? Ask us!